Reading in the oasis : The Man from Nowhere, by Bernard Smith.

The Man from Nowhere is a lovely adventure book written by Bernard Smith.
But, who was the man from nowhere ?
He is the main character of the story,  his name is Christos Bardis, a Greek millonaire, the CEO of the oil tanker company.
He, his wife Morphia,  and his son Andy were coming from a holiday in Bombay. The were flying north along the coast. Christos flow his own cessna (a small plane).
At first they had intended to travel to Teheran, but when Christos saw the Wahiba Sands, a soft sand desert in north east Oman, he went down to show it to his wife. She was serving coffee at this time, but a few minutes later the plane hit some birds, and  probably a big piece of the window hit Christos in his face, he couldn't fly the plane, and they came down in the desert, in the sand dunes. Christos was quite badly hurt.

After the beaches, there is only the deep blue green water of the Arabian sea.

Unfortunately there was blood everywhere, and his wife and his son pulled him out of the plane. When he felt a little better, he decided to look for help because no-one saw them crash.
So Christos left his wife (who had an ankle in bad conditions), and his son, and he was walking slowly in the desert towards the sea.
The sun was on his back, and he wasn't not wearing a shirt, he felt very weak, he couldn't see, he couldn't think, he didn't know where he was, suddenly he fell to the ground unconscious.

A few hours later, a shepherd boy from a fisher village found him, the boy so scared ran to look for the head man of the village, and he decided that they must get Christos to the hospital in Muscat.
Imelda a nurse from Philippines took care of him,  and she thought, he would soon wake up, and they could find out who he was, but Christos didn't not move or make any sound, so they called to the inspector Ibrahim.
The inspector thought  very worried that the Christo's picture would be somewhere in his office with his visa, but he had not success in his search . He also asked in neighboring Gulf countries, but nobody knew anything.

It was the morning of the fourth day in the hospital, that the man,
Christos opened his eyes, at first he couldn't rememeber anything, but when he recovered memory, he told them the whole story.
Inspector Ibrahim immediately organized a helicopter search to find Morphia and Andy.
Christos also wanted to participate although he was a little weak.
Later, the helicopters slowly flew over the red dunes of Wahiba. Two hours went by, and they had to find them before the sun went down.
 Andy although very weak, he could hear the sound of helicopter, his mother was unconscious and dehydrated, so Andy  decided to make a big fire.
All the desert was dark but around the burning plane looked like daylight.
So Inspector Ibrahim and Christos  could see the  fire. 
Some moments later the man from nowhere was back with his lovely family.

This chaming story seems to me a good example of solidarity among  people from  different countries, when  they work together to save human lives.

If you like to read more short stories which take place in the desert, may you read 
Niebla de Oriente.

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